Aug 9, 2009

The Future of Zemanta and Blogging


Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Zemanta is a web based tool which helps you blog effectively. It collects the information from the web on the topic which you are blogging. This helps you to blog out your article in an effective way. It also collects the images and videos pertaining to your topic. It helps you to label your post and also makes available the links to few of the terms in yourblog. This is a brief about what Zemanta actually does. Read my small review on Blogging with Zemanta.

Those of you who have been using Zemanta will know how its helps you build your blog. Now I just want to mention how blogging has been made so easy and tension free that you dont have to worry about the contents. Just think about some topic to blog and start writing things about it. You will get the contents from the web with the help of Zemanta. From which you can build your blog. Get more information on the topic and insert images and videos on the go. This way it saves time and you can concentrate upon yet another topic.

In the near future of Zemanta I think you need not worry to write about the content also. All you have to do is to provide a topic by yourself. Add the topic in the title of theblog and what next? Zemanta will fill the body of your post with the contents it gathers from the internet. What Zemanta will do is it will check the contents put by itself in the internet with yet another tool which compares if any such material is already submitted or not. If any such content is already submittedZemanta will again build a new body for this blog and do this until any such content is not already submitted. This will ensure that you are the first one to submit such article in the web. You may have to tellZemanta what size of post you are expecting. Is it a short one, medium or a long post? Once you do this you can add more to it or remove the contents depending on whether you find it appropriate or not. The more icing on theZemanta cake will be to suggest Zemanta itself to provide a topic. Lo and behold, you have submitted a unique post as a blog into the internet.

To those of you who think, it isn’t possible I will tell you that the memory to store words and contents in the world is ever increasing. A huge amount of memory is available. And there is a hell lot of topics and contents already published in the internet. It is easy to play around with sentences of already published articles by these tools. All you have to do is come up with a better Algorithm for these kinds of tools.

Well the future of Zemanta is very great. I hope the Zemanta people are reading this and will be thinking to innovate their tool.

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Aug 5, 2009

Balloons in Zemanta


Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Zemanta had updated a new feature called balloons. I am just trying it out here.
So for the balloons to work we need to add link to a particular word. Lets add the link to balloons itself. Just hover your mouse over the links above and you will find some suggested readings. Click on it and a balloons appears on your window. You need not navigate to a different window. Just check it out. It is cool. Zemanta is making the life of the bloggers very easy. So how did you find this little tool?

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How to add TwitThis button to your blogger post


I read this blog to add a twitthis button to blogger post.
Add twitthis button to your blogger

There is a better way to add the twitthis button to your blog.
Note: Backup your template before doing this.

  • First click the Layout link for the blog you want to add the button to.
  • Next, click the link for Edit HTML, to edit the template.
  • Then, backup your template so that if anything goes wrong you can always upload the stable template. To do this click the link that says "Download Full Template" and save the .xml file to your hard drive.
  • Now check the box at the top right that says "Expand Widget Templates"
  • Now find the below line using your browser's search function. (Press Ctrl + F)
<div class="post-header-line-1">
And the enclosing </div>

Put the following code between these two lines.

<a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'><img alt='TwitThis' src='' style='border:none;'/></a>

If the template code is in this way

<div class="post-header-line-1"\>
Which means you have only one line of code then it is better you do the following
Remove that line of code and add this one

<div class="post-header-line-1">
<a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'><img alt='TwitThis' src='' style='border:none;'/></a>
You will get the TwitThis image after the title as in my blog.

If you have any problem with the adding of this code then revert back to me.

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